September 05, 2008

It never rains but...

This week's been abnormally full of stuff. In addition to wrestling with my licenciate, I've already managed to move a hundred bales of hay from place A to place B, make an ex tempore trip to Ostrobothnia (for the second time in three months), get a job AND a dentist' s appointment. On top of that, all the books, cds and clothes I'd ordered during the past month decided to arrive on the same day.

I'm not complaining, since I also got my new wellies yesterday. They are light blue and have flowers on them. They make me very happy, as it's pissing down as I write, and I don't expect the weather to improve for the next five months or so.

Read an interesting piece of research on the BBC website this morning. Apparently, the music you like correlates closely with your personality. Well, take that tedious feather and knock me down. Anyway. According to this research, people who listen to classical music share personality traits with those who dig heavy metal; both of these groups are introverted and creative. If you like pop, then it's worse luck to you - you're not all that creative or at ease (whatever that means).

I'm a bit confused. I like classical, which proves I'm creative and don't like people all that much. Then again, I also love jazz, and jazz lovers are supposed to be outgoing. Fair enough. That means I don't have to be introverted all the time. But if I add rock into this equasion, does it then cancel out the good self-esteem and work ethic the two other genres give me (as rock fans are, according to these Scottish researchers, not-so-hardworking and prone to low self-esteem)?

The researcher person from Heriot-Watt University did have a valid point about the tribal qualities of music - that people digging the same kind of music tend to be similiar to some extent, no matter what their colour, creed or nationality. However, I don't quite believe that these similarities can be reduced to generalised personality traits.

Well, I don't know. What does this tell about my personality, then?

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