The first post of the year traditionally looks back on the moods and goings-on of the previous year. Since most of the major events from the past twelve months are documented below, I see no great need to make a detailed harking-back now. Suffice it to say that 2009 treated me fairly well; there were some frustrating bits (mostly to do with academia), but some very rewarding ones as well (mostly to do with the SHS, or with larking about with my friends in general. Teaching was also great fun).
Since thinking in decades is so easy, the beginning of a new one should mark the beginning of a new era as well. In my case this may be so, as the last major cycle for me began in 2000. However, it's hard to judge from such scanty evidence - it may as well be that the next big change comes in 2100, or in 3000.
The year has started with proper wintry weather (see above), which I much prefer to the slushy and grey alternative we've been shown in the past years. Temperatures hovering around -20 C are manageable; once they plummet below -30, life becomes somewhat harder. Although I'm not a great fan of snow, I like the way it makes all landscapes, branches, houses - everything in fact - look softer and plumper.
I'm still tying up the last threads of my teaching career, and after that would be the ideal time to start working on the PhD. We'll see what happens. At least I have a good reason for delaying for a couple of weeks yet, as my landlord's decided to do some repairs in my flat, which means lots of dust and noise, and strange men coming and going at all hours.
Which would be a change, at least.